Jet Market Jet Market - Tempus Fugit

Take your anger on the street
Don't consume it in your head
Let the world prove a little bit more
Just how mad it is
Turning tides I realized how
It happens to fast
One day feels like a revolution
Tomorrow comes
And you find out that you're stuck

So we'll fight back to keep it alive
Drifting through the night
Then we'll laugh about the old times
As if everything's allright
When their gods make it up
All the sheep will sell it out
Are we hoping
Are we accepting
Are we pretending
Are we the last ones to leave
Play the card inside your sleeve it's just a show
I know you know
When the last curtain falls
There's a last round of applause
Before we're gone

The jolly roger flies above
Like we're pirates out at sea
But this ship sinks as fast as a stone
I cannot believe
This same stage in pirate age was
Covered up with gold
Now it lays there like a forgotten
Relict of a time that no one recalls

So we'll fight back to keep it alive
Even if the rain
Washed the memories away like dirt
I still can see the stain
When the fog clears I bet
This will feel like home again
Are we hoping
Are we accepting
Are we pretending are
We the pawns on this board
But we've played this game before
It's just a show
I know you know
When the last curtain falls
There's a last round of applause
And then we're gone